Saturday, November 14, 2009

Here We Go!!

Here we go ladies and gentlemen!! It is time to maintain not gain during the holidays!! This competition is simple yet rewarding. It is based on a point system, so no matter what your size or fitness level you all have an equal chance of winning! Here's how it works: Each participant pays $5.00 to the pot. The winner will get the entire pot!! The more that enter the bigger the pot so call up your friends and get them involved. This is definitely one thing where the more the merrier. Next, everyone must weigh in on Monday. A Monday weigh in helps keep us all from over indulging on the weekend. After weighing in tally your points from the week and leave your point total in a comment on this blog. Now for the points...... The following earn you a hour of exercise= 1 point (so 3 hours of exercise would be= 3 points), eat a fruit and vegetable at each meal=1 point (not 1 point per fruit or vegetable but if at the end of the day you look back and notice you had a fruit and/or veggie at each meal you get 1 point), If you loose a pound=1 point, drink water and stay hydrated=1 point, bonus point get 8 hours of sleep=1 point
Now how you can loose a point.... do not exercise three to five days in a week -1 point, eat more than one treat around 100-200 calories in a day-1 point, gain a pound-1 point

That is the point system. Pretty simple and not to complicated. Important things to remember out, stay hydrated, get some sleep and eat a treat. Thats right don't forget that you are aloud to have one treat a day, After all it is the holidays!! Also remember to tally your points and report each Monday. Please keep a running total of your points at home. The person with the most points January 2,2010 wins the pot!!! If you have any health or fitness questions you can e-mail me at Check this blog often for helpful hints and to check others progress.
Good Luck to all and Happy Holidays!!!